31 in Stock


Numerous hunters and professional competition shooters use ammunition from Sellier & Bellot, a manufacturer from the Czech Republic. Sellier & Bellot products are renowned for their quality. These 10mm Auto rounds are no exception and will serve you well for range practice, local level matches, and recreational target shooting. Each cartridge is assembled using a reloadable brass casing and a non-corrosive Boxer primer. The case is topped with an 180-grain full metal jacket (FMJ) projectile.

The FMJ's thick copper exterior cuts down on excessive fouling left behind between the lands and grooves of your barrel's rifling. A truncated cone shape lends the round excellent feeding characteristics alongside favorable impact effect; the flat nose creates a clean hole in paper or cardboard targets which is easily seen from the firing line. 180 grains is a common weight for the 10mm Auto and will match the performance of duty loads and carry options. Buying in bulk with this 1000-round case is a great way to stock up for numerous range visits at an affordable price.
Quantity 1000
Manufacturer Sellier & Bellot
Ammo Caliber 10mm
Manufacturer SKU SB10A
Bullet Type FMJ
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 1164
Muzzle Energy 543

Customer Reviews of this 10MM AUTO SELLIER & BELLOT 180 GRAIN FMJ (1000 ROUNDS)

  • Great ammo for a descent price

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    Perfect !!!
    Review by 10mm Steve. Posted on
  • Seller & Bellot 10 mm

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    Was delivered promptly and are good and more accurate than I am.
    Review by Rod. Posted on
  • Works well and accurate.

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    Ammo arrived quickly, and well packaged. Nice shooting ammo with no problems.
    Review by davelc. Posted on
  • Better prices available on this

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    I searched for 10mm range ammo and ordered this by well known S&B. Other sources gave better prices on this same ammo after I had already bought here at Ammo Man. Could have done better elsewhere, lesson learned post purchase.
    Review by Florida Kevin. Posted on
  • Shots fired

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    some of the most accurate ammo I have fired out of my glock g40 mos... shoots very clean too. Hot too!
    Review by DaowgSoldier. Posted on
  • Great product for the range

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    Very well priced range ammo, as accurate as it needs to be. This is my go to plinking ammo.
    Review by David. Posted on
  • Ammunition worth using

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    Good price, good service, and very importantly, good ammo. Ran it thru my Glock 40, Gen4, and loved it. First time I shot the gun I put 15 out of 17 in the diamond. Burned clean and no misfires. Seems like very good ammo.
    Review by Edward. Posted on
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