12 GAUGE FEDERAL TOP GUN 2-3/4" 1-1/8 OZ. #8 SHOT (250 ROUNDS)

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About This Federal 12 Gauge Ammunition

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you to cool your jets. Your jets should be white hot at every waking moment! And when you want to bring that dauntless enthusiasm to the clay range, all you need is a case of Federal Premium’s Top Gun 12 Gauge target loads!

This shotshell is loaded with a full 1-1/8 ounce charge of #8 shot. The 461 pellets deliver an exceptionally tight pattern thanks to the hard lead they are made of, which puts a stop to deformation in the barrel before it can lead to flyaways. The shot pellets are cradled by a wad that lets them fly downrange in a narrow spread. The wad additionally collapses during ignition to minimize felt recoil.

This shell’s powder and hot-igniting primer spark up to deliver a predictable 1,200 fps muzzle velocity without overdoing it in the fouling department. Federal’s Minnesota-made eight-segment crimped low-brass hulls supply reliable feeding and ejection even after you’ve reloaded them more than a couple of times.
Quantity 250
Manufacturer Federal
Ammo Caliber 12 Gauge
Manufacturer SKU TG12 8
Bullet Type #8 shot
Muzzle Velocity 1200
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