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About This Stars & Stripes 12 Gauge Ammunition
You’re a busy man (or woman, or super-intelligent goat that can read, or whatever). You have lots of places to meet and people to be, and so forth. When you want to shoot something several times, you simply don’t have time for multiple trigger squeezes. You want to squeeze your trigger once and be done with it.Sit down and prepare to enter a new world of convenience. When you chamber one of these beautiful little 12 Gauge shotshells by Stars and Stripes, you will unleash nine pellets of 00 buckshot. Land all of them on a target – be it a deer, varmint, violent threat to your safety, or inanimate object – and you can rest assured said target is truly and thoroughly shot. It’s like shotgun magic!
Now, we know what you’re thinking: “Stars and Stripes must be an American manufacturer, seeing as how they’re called ‘Stars and Stripes’ and everything.” That’s reasonable … but it’s wrong! Stars and Stripes brand ammunition is actually made in Italy by Cheddite – a highly respected manufacturer which has been hard at it for over 100 years. Cheddite makes each and every shotshell component in their own factory, which helps them make certain everything is exactly as it needs to be for your assured shooting pleasure.
We want you to envision a price tag that says “$0.00.” That’s the price tag for this ammo’s shipping!
Quantity | 250 |
Manufacturer | Stars & Stripes |
Ammo Caliber | 12 Gauge |
Manufacturer SKU | CBUCK9 |
Bullet Type | 00 BUCK |
Primer Type | boxer |
Muzzle Velocity | 1200 |
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