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About This Winchester 12 Gauge Ammunition

Are you the protector of your homestead, or a decimator of deer? Then we’ll tell you something you probably already know: You need 12 Gauge 00 buck ammo. This is a whole case of the good stuff by Winchester, made in America and powerful as all get-out.

“How much power are we talking about, Ammo Man?” Glad you asked! This 2-3/4” shotshell harbors nine pellets of 00 buckshot, weighing about 1-1/10 ounces total. Loaded to a muzzle velocity of 1,325 fps, that salvo of shot would collectively transfer over 1,750 ft lbs of kinetic energy to any target within the confines of your living room (unless you have a preposterously large living room).

This shell’s hard shot is deformation resistant, which alongside its granulated buffering ensures the tight, efficient pattern you need while engaging a threat or harvesting some venison. Once you’ve rid Winchester’s star-crimped hulls of their sensitive primers and clean-burning powder, you’ll have fine reloading components. Best of all, sales of USA VALOR ammo directly support Folds of Honor, a non-profit which honors our troops’ sacrifices by granting scholarships to their children and other family members.
Quantity 250
Manufacturer Winchester
Ammo Caliber 12 Gauge
Manufacturer SKU USA1200VP
Bullet Type 00 BUCK
Muzzle Velocity 1325
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You're reviewing: 12 GAUGE WINCHESTER USA VALOR 2-3/4" 9 PELLETS 00 BUCK (250 ROUNDS)
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