27 in Stock


CCI’s Stinger line of ammunition brought the world its first hyper-velocity 22 LR cartridge. This cartridge’s casing is slightly longer that what’s typical for its caliber, which is fitting given that it must contain more of its specially formulated propellant, and its projectile is lighter than usual as well. The payoff is an absolutely staggering 1,640 fps muzzle velocity, just what you need to cut down squirrels and other small varmints, and it makes a satisfying cracking report as well.

This round features a 32 grain projectile. The bullet’s copper plating helps to prevent the rapid accumulation of lead residue in your bore, a trait especially valuable given its supersonic velocity. The dimple in the bullet’s tip causes it to expand rapidly within targets, not necessarily preventing over-penetration but certainly adequate to seriously ruin your game’s day. Simple plinking’s also a blast with this round, and with half a thousand of them to burn through you won’t have to make careful decisions as to how you ration it all out.
Quantity 500
Manufacturer CCI
Ammo Caliber .22 Long Rifle
Manufacturer SKU 50
Bullet Type copper plated hollow point
Primer Type rimfire
Muzzle Velocity 1640
Muzzle Energy 191

Customer Reviews of this 22 LR CCI STINGER 32 GRAIN CPHP (500 ROUNDS)

  • Yup

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    Worth stashing.
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  • Smooth discharge

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    Try many 22lr ammo in my tx 22 Taurus and 942 Taurus 8 shot to many jams misfires cci stinger cure the problem great price on 500 founds fast delivery
    Review by brian. Posted on
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