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About This Hornady 223 Remington Ammunition

This 223 Rem ammo is made by Hornady. That’s right – Hornady, the Nebraskan outfit that started making component bullets in 1949 despite bankers’ refusal to acknowledge the market for them. The family-owned business that has revolutionized bullet design for over half a century. The icon of American ammo manufacturing which still lives up to its founder’s motto: “Ten bullets through one hole.

This is by no means Hornady’s fanciest 223 Rem ammo. It’s loaded with 55 grain full metal jacket boat tail projectiles (nonmagnetic, of course), and it launches those puppies out of a 24” barrel at a rate of 3,240 fps. In other words, it’s M193 spec ammo, even if it isn’t technically designated as such. The bullet’s 0.243 G1 ballistic coefficient means that drop at 200 yards is -2.9” (100-yard zero; 1.5” sight height).

The FMJBT might fragment following close-range impact, but it doesn’t deliver any terminal expansion to speak of. That’s why it’s nearly exclusively favored for target practice, although the FMJBT’s deadly effects on varmintkind cannot be denied.

This noncorrosive Boxer-primed ammo is loaded with new, polished brass cases. They are reloadable! And when you order today, our free shipping will get it to you so fast that you’ll be all like “Darn, that was fast!”
Quantity 500
Manufacturer Hornady
Ammo Caliber 223 Remington
Manufacturer SKU 80275
Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT)
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 3240
Muzzle Energy 1282
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