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The American Frontier is long dead and gone. It’s been mapped, settled, and covered in roads. But American freedom is still going strong. It lives in the heart of every American who cherishes their God-given rights – including the glorious Second.

If you intend to fire your 5.56x45 or 223 Rem rifle until your heart’s content, then you’ll definitely want to snap up a case of Hornady Frontier ammunition while you still have the chance. These are classic range loads, each sporting a 55 grain full metal jacket projectile and charged up to launch that little missile at a velocity of 3,240 fps (24” test barrel). The nonmagnetic bullet is all you need if you want to make holes where there weren’t no holes before. Don’t expect any terminal expansion from the FMJ – it’ll kick any varmint’s teeth in, but it doesn’t have optimal terminal ballistics for deer hunting.

Hornady made this ammo’s bullets. Lake City Army Ammunition Plant took care of the rest. This clean-shooting noncorrosive Boxer-primed ammo features new and reusable cases. They’re discolored around their necks – true – but that’s just the byproduct of the annealing process which made them supple enough to reliably seal off the chamber during ignition. The discoloration is cosmetic only.
Quantity 500
Manufacturer Hornady
Ammo Caliber 223 Remington
Manufacturer SKU FR1005
Bullet Type FMJ
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 3240
Muzzle Energy 1282
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You're reviewing: 223 REM HORNADY FRONTIER 55 GRAIN FMJ (500 ROUNDS)
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