97 in Stock


The 38 Special is a fantastic round. Not only is this round a high quality, effective round for self defense, but it is also a great historical round and has a light recoil, making it great for target practice and for those with weaker hands. Used through most of the twentieth century for police, military, and civilian purposes, this round has proven itself to be effective and highly reliable.

Magtech is one of the best manufacturers around. With their worldwide recognized innovation and quality, you can't go wrong with this Brazilian manufacturer. These lead round nose rounds are just what you need for range training. With brass cases and boxer primers, these 158 grain rounds are reloadable too, giving you extra value. When you use these high quality rounds, you will see the difference Magtech provides.

Quantity 50
Manufacturer Magtech
Ammo Caliber 38 Special
Manufacturer SKU 38A
Bullet Type Lead Round Nose (LRN)
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 755
Muzzle Energy 200

Customer Reviews of this 38 SPECIAL MAGTECH 158 GRAIN LRN (50 ROUNDS)

  • It can be turned into a self defense round

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    I know most people know that one can turn these poor for defense rounds into a decent protective round, just takes a hand drill and a sharp knife you dont care that much about. Drill a hollowpoint cavity into the nose of the bullet then simply cut a cross into the round with the newly made hollowpoint as its center. Peels back pretty well in milk jugs full of water with a pair of cut offs over the first jug. In these days of very hard to find .38spcl anything one can take a few seconds per round and make what should normally be relegated to only practice rounds into an "if you have to" self defense load. To be honest though the .38spcl is pretty much obsolete with a large number of .380 rounds equaling or surpassing the old round in defensive effectiveness
    Review by Josef Biden. Posted on
  • worked well good groups

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    I like the Magtech LRN it cleans up EZ and no leading. At my range we can only use lead on the steel targets so this is a great round for me.
    Review by gene. Posted on
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