124 in Stock


This ammunition from Fiocchi is an excellent practice load for your .38 S&W revolver. Each cartridge in this box of 50 fires a 145 grain full metal jacket bullet at a muzzle velocity of 780 feet per second, producing good accuracy and relatively mild recoil.

This is .38 S&W ammunition and should not be used in firearms chambered for .38 Special or .38 Super.

These cartridges are loaded in Ozark, Missouri using non-corrosive Boxer primers and brass cases.

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Quantity 50
Manufacturer Fiocchi
Ammo Caliber .38 S/W
Manufacturer SKU 38SWSHA
Bullet Type FMJ
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 780

Customer Reviews of this 38 S&W FIOCCHI 145 GRAIN FMJ (50 ROUNDS)

  • Good Stuff !!!!

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    Shipping was nice and fast. Packaging was ideal. Zero complaints.
    Review by Dad Cat. Posted on
  • Good Ammo. I would recommend this Ammo to everyone.

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    Thank you Mike for helping me with those 38 Shorts. I received the Ammo in two days. Thanks again.
    Review by Bud. Posted on
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