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About This Prvi Partizan .38 S/W Ammunition

In medieval alchemy, lead was considered the metal of redemption. It was also believed that it is possible to turn lead into gold. If you have finally discovered the alchemical secret for doing so, please contact us immediately. We’ve got tons of lead in our warehouse, and we’ll split the gold you turn it into 50/50.

We might prefer that you keep this 38 S&W cartridge by Prvi Partizan unchanged, though. Its 145 grain bullet is better left the way it is, with its consistent density and inherent ability to prevent fragmentation when it hits a hard backdrop. After we split the gold we will retire and use this round for all day target practice. It would be nice to save a little money on ammo, even if we’ve bought the second biggest Hawaiian island.

Prvi Partizan’s brass casing couldn’t be improved if it were turned into another metal, either. It won’t protest being chambered in any cylinder, and is optimal for handloading. You can see the quality that made Prvi Partizan a world-class manufacturer in this round.
Quantity 50
Manufacturer Prvi Partizan
Ammo Caliber .38 S/W
Manufacturer SKU PPH38SW
Bullet Type Lead Round Nose (LRN)
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 689
Muzzle Energy 152
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You're reviewing: 38 S&W PRVI PARTIZAN 145 GRAIN LRN (50 ROUNDS)
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