Only 23 Left in Stock


This .45 ACP ammunition from Winchester is a great range load for a wide variety of handguns. Each cartridge in this volume priced case of 500 (10 boxes of 50) fires a heavy 230 grain full metal jacket bullet at a muzzle velocity of 835 feet per second.

Winchester ammunition is loaded in Oxford, Mississippi using non-corrosive Boxer primers and brass cases.

Purchase this case or any other items totaling $99 or more to get free shipping!

Quantity 500
Manufacturer Winchester
Ammo Caliber .45 Automatic
Manufacturer SKU Q4170
Bullet Type FMJ
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 835
Muzzle Energy 356

Customer Reviews of this 45 ACP WINCHESTER 230 GRAIN FMJ (500 ROUNDS)

  • Very Good Stuff

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    I was satisfied with the products and pricing. I think this is good ammo for training at the range.
    Review by AR. Posted on
  • Always great servi ce

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    I have been an Ammoman customer from way back when
    Always satisfied with the products and pricing
    Review by Shoot4fun. Posted on
  • Name Brand, Good Product

    How quickly did your order arrive?
    How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?
    Great price on a good product for training and range time.
    Good back up round for a compact carry.
    Review by SgtMoose. Posted on
  • The Jury is out

    How quickly did your order arrive?
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    I may have gotten a Friday afternoon batch. The wife and I shot 100 rounds and had 9 bad primers.
    Review by TerryT. Posted on
  • Good stuff

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    How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?
    Cycled well. Solid performer.
    Review by Mark. Posted on
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