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About This Winchester 5.56x45mm Ammunition

If you’re a new shooter, don’t let that “M193” trick you into thinking you’ve found some weird ammunition! This is the same kind of 5.56x45 ammo you’d find at any military shooting range, and it’s just what your AR-15 wants when you’re spending time at your own range, too.

This cartridge has a pure and simple full metal jacket bullet. It’s lead on the inside and copper alloy on the outside, with a cannelure to prevent bullet setback. This bullet lacks any steel and will not attract a magnet. It also lacks any ability to expand, so while it could serve for home defense you probably wouldn’t want to hunt with this ammo.

This round’s bullet weighs 55 grains. Winchester’s consistent primers and propellant give these rounds a pretty stable 3,180 fps muzzle velocity. That’s certainly fast enough to treat you to good accuracy, even if you’re trying to hit some pretty far-out targets.

Winchester’s USA ammo is brass-cased and reloadable. We’d like to point out that this ammo’s cases are absolutely brand new. They are indeed gray around the shoulder, but only because they’ve been induction heated to help keep them more supple, which enhances functionality in a semi-automatic rifle.
Quantity 20
Manufacturer Winchester
Ammo Caliber 5.56x45mm
Manufacturer SKU WM193K
Bullet Type FMJ
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 3180
Muzzle Energy 1235
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