35 in Stock


Forget about buying spooty little 50-round boxes of 5.7x28mm ammunition. No one goes to the range so they can fire so few shots! Step up your game and order a case of Fiocchi Range Dynamics, which holds three gargantuan 150-round boxes!

Fiocchi is an old Italian company, but this particular ammunition hails from their production plant in Ozark, MO. The state-of-the-art facility exclusively outfits metallic cartridges with new and reloadable brass cases, as well as the consistent noncorrosive primers and powder that ensure smooth functionality in all semi-automatics.

But what about that bullet? Well, it’s a pretty conventional full metal jacket, all things considered, but that’s precisely what you want for conventional target practice. The FMJ has no features that enable terminal expansion – but it has got the copper jacket and lead core that make it nonmagnetic. Take it to any commercial range you please. They’ll roll out the red carpet for you!
Quantity 450
Manufacturer Fiocchi
Ammo Caliber 5.7 x 28
Manufacturer SKU 57FMJ40
Bullet Type FMJ
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 1700
Muzzle Energy 257

Customer Reviews of this 5.7X28MM FIOCCHI 40 GRAIN FMJ (450 ROUNDS)

  • Great price for great round

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    I loved the round was very smooth and didn’t have any jams
    Review by Edrei G. Posted on
  • Great Ammo

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    Great 5.7 x 28 Ammo at the best price around.
    I will purchase more.
    Review by Charles. Posted on
  • Great product and crazy fast delivery

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    This should be your ammo place
    Review by Need more ammo. Posted on
  • Outstanding Deal

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    Best price I’ve ever gotten for 5.7 x 28. Quality is as good or better than the American Eagle range type ammo. Perfect range ammo - still expensive relative to 9mm but much closer to reasonable. Hopefully the popularity of the 5.7 platform continues to grow and the price of the ammo keeps coming down.. Thanks for the great deal!
    Review by Wade Wilson. Posted on
  • Superior all around

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    Excellent price, excellent service, excellent product. I'll definitely buy from you again!
    Review by DanSR. Posted on
  • lowest cost, good for plinking.

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    Took this to the indoor range. Shot it through a Ruger 57, Ruger LCP and an M&P 5.7. Functioned flawlessly. Lowest cost 5.7 by about 15 cents a round. Great Ammo!! I am about to buy more.
    Review by Clifford. Posted on
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