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This 22 LR cartridge from CCI's Mini-Mag line of ammunition sports a 40 grain projectile, which is the original bullet weight offered by the caliber when it was first introduced in 1887. The bullet is copper plated, so it will keep your bore from quickly fouling so you may enjoy more tight groupings in between cleanings. The bullet’s round nose not only makes its design cost-effective, but additionally helps it to deliver superior impact energy, penetrate targets wonderfully, and feed reliably in all types of semi-automatic weapons. The round’s 1,235 muzzle velocity means that it will deliver a powerful, flat trajectory as well.

This round further offers a corrosion resistant brass casing, sure-fire CCI rimfire primer, and clean burning mercury-free propellant which will keep your action clean after many shots. Despite their low prices, CCI’s products’ consistent quality have earned them great preference among many shooting enthusiasts ever since the company’s foundation in 1951.
Quantity 5000
Manufacturer CCI
Ammo Caliber .22 Long Rifle
Manufacturer SKU 30
Bullet Type copper plated round nose
Primer Type rimfire
Muzzle Velocity 1235
Muzzle Energy 135

Customer Reviews of this 22 LR - CCI MINI-MAG 40 GRAIN CPRN (5000 ROUNDS)

  • Reliable, consistent, affordable

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    Always loads and ejects smoothly. All guns like it. Perfect practice ammo for competition.
    Review by GoodScout. Posted on
  • I think this is an all-around great product

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    CCI Mini-Mags will run when nothing else will. They are accurate, consistent, and dependable. Good Stuff
    Review by Harold. Posted on
  • Excellent target rounds

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    Shipping was fast, had our 5000 round box in about 3 days.
    These rounds have been working flawlessly in our CZ 75 Compact and CZ 75 SP01 with Kadet Adapters. We were having a ton of troubles with FTF and FTE with a couple other 22lr brands. This stuff has been cycling with no issues at all. Never going back to the other stuff!
    Review by Kevin. Posted on
  • I shoot quite a lot and these CCI mini-mags seem to work best in my Marlin model 60.

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    I have exerimented with using different brands of ammo, using various weight bullets, and varying powder loads in my Marlin Model 60 Semi Auto to see which I thougt worked best for my everyday plinking, bottle crashing, beer-can ventilating and just plain target shooting. Well, after about 15,000 rounds, I believe my choice is the CCI 22LR HS Mini-Mag, They are not the cheapest, but they keep my gun cleaner, and have yet to have a fail to fire, or fail to eject! That is saying something!
    Review by Olde Bob. Posted on
  • very consistantly feeding in to my .22 lr Hk 91 Concersion.

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    Finally found a round that not only prints well on paper, but delivers the knock down at 100 yards. Faily clean and very quiet. Have 10,000 rounds ..good to go, so bring it on ! ⚓????
    Review by Robert. Posted on
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