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About This Aguila 6.5MM CREEDMOOR Ammunition

It’s 3:30 in the morning. You’re stirred from your peaceful slumber by a loud smashing noise coming from your garage. You creep downstairs, open the door leading to your garage, and flick on the light. It’s just what you expected: a couple of pronghorns are trying to steal your ‘79 Volkswagen Scirocco.

Thank the Good Lord above that you remembered to bring your 6.5 Creedmoor rifle loaded with 129 grain soft point ammo. You take aim at the larcenous ungulates fully confident that the accurate bullets will reach their targets. You’re even more confident that the bullets will deliver swift death to the pronghorns, as their unjacketed lead tips will commence rapid expansion the instant they pierce the would-be thieves’ hides. You don’t even mind the fact that you accidentally hit the car a few times, because its Blue Book value is only about $12.50.

Once again, Aguila saved the day by manufacturing dependable 6.5 CM hunting ammo in Mexico. And once you’ve dressed and butchered the pronghorns so you can cook your family breakfast, you set right to work handloading those pure brass Boxer-primed cases. You’ll be ready for the next break-in, too!
Quantity 20
Manufacturer Aguila
Ammo Caliber 6.5MM CREEDMOOR
Manufacturer SKU 81489AG
Bullet Type Soft-Point (SP)
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 2810
Muzzle Energy 2262
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You're reviewing: 6.5 CREEDMOOR AGUILA 129 GRAIN SP (20 ROUNDS)
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