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About This Prvi Partizan 6.5 Grendel Ammunition

Specifically designed as a low recoil, high accuracy, 200 to 800 yard round for the AR-15, 6.5mm Grendel became quite popular. In fact, it even branched out into the Kalashnikov series and into bolt action rifles. This cheap brass cased ammo is perfect for range time.

Prvi Partizan, founded in 1928, is a Serbian ammunition manufacturer. This old company has supplied militaries, police, and hunters with ammunition for years. This boat tailed FMJ 6.5 Grendel bullet is sure to fly straight and true. Pick up 20 rounds of 110 grain Prvi Partizan ammo today.
Quantity 20
Manufacturer Prvi Partizan
Ammo Caliber 6.5 Grendel
Manufacturer SKU PP6GF
Bullet Type FMJ-BT
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 2756
Muzzle Energy 1855
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