Today, we are publishing the complete interview between our very own Kenneth Miller, and Jeremiah Cottle. Jeremiah is the designer and inventor of the Bump Stock. He also owns Slide Fire Solutions which is the sole proprietor of Bump Stock related IP and the licensing to manufacture such products.

During our discussion, Jeremiah recounts what is was like being raised by his grandparents on a cattle ranch in a small Texas town, his life in the military and how he went on to create one of the most innovative products in the firearms industry that generated three years worth of sales in only a single day.

The major successes in business did not come without an extreme cost, however. Ultimately, the national attention the company gained following the tragic Las Vegas shooting of 2017, led Jeremiah to shut the company and it’s production down in 2018. Until now…

Click the link below to watch the full interview:

Bump Stock History and how “Slide Fire” Grew

Impact of Vegas Shooting

Jeremiah – “That was an extremely difficult time. Nobody can prepare anybody for something like that. Both on a personal level or a company level. We had done well over the previous seven years, but we literally went from being relatively unknown to having the president talking about us in the news. When the president starts tweeting about something that you invented, about your company…people notice! You go from being unknown to known real quick.”

Gaining National Attention

Jeremiah – “The world turned it’s attention on me. People were saying, ‘It’s an industry. We’re going to shut down this evil industry.’ They didn’t realize it’s just me, my grandparents and my vet buddies. And then the world just came crushing down. People were flying out and sneaking onto our property. Reporters would hunt me down at the high school football games, where I went to have peace. I didn’t even sleep in my own home for three months.”

Supreme Court Makes Ruling on Bump Stocks Legality

On June 14th, 2024 the Supreme Court of The United States of America issued a final ruling that the Bump Stock did not fit the definition of a “machine gun” and therefore was unconstitutionally banned in 2018 by President elect, Donald Trump.

Original Bump Stock patent. Approved by the ATF.

Original Bump Stock patent. Approved by the ATF.

Jeremiah Cottle Lists Company for Sale

Following the SCOTUS ruling, on June 17th 2024 Jeremiah made the decision to list Slide Fire Solutions and 100% of it’s assets and IP for sale in this official statement. Jeremiah explained his intentions behind the desire to sell with the following comments:

Jeremiah – “Ultimately, it comes down to the sacrifices you have to make. I want to spend the time that I have left on this earth with my family. I have sacrificed enough. I just want to sit here on the ranch and take care of my horses and cows. I want to pick up my eggs in the morning from my chickens and to be quiet and left alone.”

Jeremiah Cottle discusses the ban on Bump Stocks with Kenneth Miller.

Jeremiah Cottle discusses the ban on Bump Stocks with Kenneth Miller.

However Jeremiah went on to add:

Jeremiah – “-at the same time, when the universe calls you, you have to step up to the plate. That was one of those things that really struck home. What do I do? I think I owe it to my grandparents to make sure that Slide Fire doesn’t die on the vine.

I think to walk away is not being a good steward of the gifts you’re given. Just because you don’t want to do something doesn’t mean you get to not do it. Sometimes there are just things that have to be done. I feel like this is one of those things. I have a responsibility to make sure that all of the things that we did for the last decade and a half isn’t forgotten, and that it lives on.”

Buster and Julie Cottle.

Jeremiah’s grandparents and first Slide Fire employees: Buster and Julie Cottle.

Bump Stocks Return to Production

I probed Jeremiah on what type of person would take over a company that is embroiled in so much controversy.

Here was his response:

Jeremiah – “The person who decides to take up the reins is going to have to be a strong individual. They are going to have to be creative, because problems happen. You have to have solutions…or at least create them.

I’m hoping that someone will step up and take the reins. I think this invention, my patents and the things that we built have a great future and I believe the American people want it. I know it’s controversial…but you don’t have to buy it. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.”

Jeremiah Cottle holding a rifle equipped with a Bump Stock.

Jeremiah Cottle resides on a quiet ranch in Tennessee. (Photo by Kenneth Miller)

What is the Future of Slide Fire?

In light of all of this, the manufacturing and sale of Bump Stocks and other products from Slide Fire are coming back. Whether it is going to continue to be run by Jeremiah or not is up for question. I asked Jeremiah how he felt with the spotlight returning onto him and his company. Here’s what Jeremiah had to say about what he is coining as the “Slide Fire Reboot”:

Jeremiah – “I’m just trying to be a good steward. It’s been put on my heart that the story still has something to be told. But I need to step away. So I’m just trying to follow that pull on my heart. I’m trying to remember that I don’t have anything else to prove. I did what I said I was going to to. Now I can do what my granddad needed me to do.”

Jeremiah sharing about battling opioid addiction after undergoing brain surgery from injuries sustained in the military.

Jeremiah shared about battling opioid addiction after undergoing brain surgery from injuries sustained in the military.

Jeremiah – “My step now is to responsibly hand this off, however long that takes, so that I can bring this story and my life to a close as far as my involvement. I hope someone with the passion and desire to make changes and do cool things picks it up and continues to develop on the technology that I have. I don’t want to. I want to go fishing.”

We hope you enjoyed this special look into the history and life of a very polarizing man and product that has had such a profound effect on our industry and country. If you want to support projects like this, consider placing an order on our site and be sure to check out our socials pages for behind the scenes and more info on Jeremiah and Slide Fire!