22 LR CCI MINI-MAG 36 GRAIN CPHP (5000 Rounds)

Regular Price: $475.00

Special Price: $445.00

Only 10 Left in Stock

22 LR CCI MINI-MAG 36 GRAIN CPHP (5000 Rounds)

This 22 LR cartridge from CCI’s Mini-Mag line of ammunition features a 36 grain copper plated hollow point projectile. The bullet’s copper coating not only lessens the amount of lead residue that will accumulate in your rifle’s or pistol’s bore with repeated firing, but also strengthens it so it will better retain its shape during use. The cavity in its tip will cause this bullet to expand significantly during penetration, giving it the stopping power you need to take down pesky varmints fast. This round’s supersonic 1,260 fps muzzle velocity delivers a flat trajectory which will let you hit even the most elusive red squirrel with amazing precision.

This round additionally features a corrosion resistant brass casing, reliable CCI rimfire primer, and clean burning propellant which is easy on both your action and your lungs. CCI is an excellent solution for thrifty shooting enthusiasts who would rather not sacrifice quality for savings, so 5,000 of these rounds are bound to make anyone happy.
Quantity 5000
Manufacturer CCI
Ammo Caliber .22 Long Rifle
Manufacturer SKU 31
Bullet Type copper plated hollow point
Primer Type rimfire
Muzzle Velocity 1260
Muzzle Energy 127

Customer Reviews of this 22 LR CCI MINI-MAG 36 GRAIN CPHP (5000 Rounds)

  • Consistent

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    Switched in all my pistols and rifles. Clean burn and cycles in every action, superior accuracy at 50-100yards. Will order second case - sold off my various other 22LR.
    Review by DeadEyeJim. Posted on
  • Best cycling ammo!

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    Shoot it in bolt action or any drum and it keeps firing! No more jamming worries with this CCI!
    Review by Brian. Posted on
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