118 in Stock


Made In China

You can not estimate your ammunition’s value solely by its cost in dollars. However you use ammo, whether that might be to assure you’ve an ample supply of venison chili, to keep yourself and your loved ones safe, or just to have great days at the range, you owe it to the stuff to keep it secure and protected. We recommend this mil-spec ammo can for that task.

This ammo can is made of rugged steel, and can be dropped, dragged, and otherwise beaten without letting its contents suffer the brunt of that abuse. Its latch seals its lid very tightly, so you needn’t worry about dirt or water corrupting your rounds while they’re in storage or transit. Its handle is similarly durable, so you may dependably lug any number of pounds of ammo to wherever you deem it belongs best. It’s a very voluminous container as well -- although made to contain 50 Cal rounds for the M2A1 heavy machine gun, it would also hold 700 223 Rem/5.56 Nato, 1,000 9mm, or even 3,500 22 LR rounds.
Quantity 1
Manufacturer unspecified
Manufacturer SKU M2A1 OD Green

Customer Reviews of this NEW 50 CALIBER MIL-SPEC AMMO CAN (1 CAN)

  • Good product

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    Ordered this and was at the door in less than a week. The quality is like I remember in my military time
    Review by JF shooter. Posted on
  • Overall A Great Deal!

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    Item arrived and performed as described. Good quality, fast delivery and good price made this purchase and overall great deal. I highly recommend this product and seller!
    Review by nyfb4u2cr. Posted on
  • Okay product.

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    Very fast shipping. However, the ammo cans that I received are made in China. I thought they were U.S. made.
    Review by Andre. Posted on
  • Nicely made and quality materials

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    Just opened the shipment of two these from Ammo Man. Flawless paint, tight seals (one went whoosh when I opened it!) and very secure latches. These ammo boxes are better than I expected
    Review by John. Posted on
  • Great Ammo Cans

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    These 50 cal ammo cans are well made, they seal superbly, and are sturdy. Can't beat USA made. Definitely two thumbs up!
    Review by Moy. Posted on
  • Excellent Product - As good as the real thing

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    I've purchased at least 6 of these cans from Ammoman. All were shipped super fast and arrived with no dings or dents. The lids were tough to ope, which told me the seal was good. They stack well and hold all my ammo very neatly, no matter the caliber. Getting ready to buy some more. The price can't be beat.
    Review by Stu. Posted on
  • top shelve ammo can

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    Ammoman keep up the good work supplying top shelve products at great prices and the best service in the world of ammo supply.
    Review by Mud Puppy. Posted on
  • Brand new real mil spec cans

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    As good as you can get period.
    Review by Memorial Rifle Range. Posted on
  • Quality Cans - Excellent Fit & Finish

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    Over the past year I've purchased about 40 of these from Ammoman. Out-of-the-box when you first open them, you hear the release of air that was trapped inside the can when it was sealed from the factory...this means that the seals are working perfectly. Every can so far has done this! The finish is even and thick. For the price point, these cans are great.
    Review by CUInMySights. Posted on
  • Great stuff!

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    Excellent for waterproof storage for long or short term.
    Review by Chicken Man. Posted on
  • great service from the ammo man!

    How quickly did your order arrive?
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    perfect for storing ammo, thanks.
    Review by mkejay. Posted on
  • quality product at a reasonable price. Thanks Ammoman

    How quickly did your order arrive?
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    well built. good purchase
    Review by storemfugotthem. Posted on
  • awesome

    How quickly did your order arrive?
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    Hard to tell these cans from the government issue ones, cept they are very clean, rustless, and without lots of overspray markings. very pleased with product.
    Review by susie. Posted on
  • Perfect - Real 50 Cal. Ammo Can

    How quickly did your order arrive?
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    I was expecting somewhat of a knock-off of the surplus ammo cans we're all use to. This appears to be no knock-off. This is legit in every way except for the dings, dents and age. I bought 8 and wouldn't hesitate to buy more if I needed them. Very satisfied!
    Review by Mike. Posted on
  • not really pretty but sealed well

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    I live well above sea level, and the first thing I noticed about these cana is that all in the 12-pack I bought "burped" when opened. That's a good sign.

    The pain is a little uneven, and there are lots of thick places. Each can also had a little bare spot inside on the bottom ridge about 1/3 of the way from the back wall. I guess this is where they were suspended for painting.

    Bottom line, though, they seal, they stack, they seem sturdy, and the lids come off if that matters to you. All in, no complaints and I'll buy more here if I need more.
    Review by a guy named John. Posted on
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