308 - 175 gr - MatchKing BTHP - Remington Premier - 20 Rounds

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308 - 175 gr - MatchKing BTHP - Remington Premier - 20 Rounds

An extremely popular choice among .308 match ammo options on the market, Remington Premier rounds will have you on-target from a distance.

These new brass casings are loaded with premium propellant and the world-famous Match King boat-tail hollow point projectile. These bullets are known for accuracy from long-range. In terms of sales, they are the preferred match bullet of shooters all over the country.

The 175 grain match bullet gives you a slightly heavier projectile than many other options in .308. That stability could prove beneficial for you depending upon your set-up - twist rate, etc. If you're ready to compete - and win - this .308 ammo is designed to help you do it.

Pick up a box today and you'll get 20 rounds delivered to your door ready to fire.
Quantity 20
Manufacturer Remington
Ammo Caliber 308 / 7.62x51
Manufacturer SKU RM308W8
Bullet Type Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT)
Primer Type boxer
Muzzle Velocity 2600
Muzzle Energy 2627
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