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ROTC Scholarship is happy to announce the first-annual ROTC Scholarships will be awarded to two deserving ROTC cadets in the summer of 2014. If you're an ROTC member at an American college or university, we'd love to hear from you and receive your application for one of a pair of $500 scholarships.
Please note, only applicants who meet the following criteria will be considered:
Students must be active full-time students at an accredited American 4-year college or university.
Eligible cadets must have a grade point average of at least 3.0 (or must maintain at least a 'B-average' based on their respective university's grading system).
Cadets must be sophomores or juniors in terms of credit hours at the time of their application.
All applications must be submitted by June 15, 2014. Sorry, no exceptions.
Still interested? Here's your mission should you choose to accept it:
Complete the application below, be sure to hit "submit". You'll receive an email confirming we received your application.
Answer the following question in an essay containing 500-words or less: "Is the United States Constitution Timeless?" Please submit your essay in .pdf or Microsoft Word via the form below. You can also email your essay to us at
Please note: we reserve the right to publish winning entries with the applicant's first name, university, military branch, and field of study.
Deliver a letter confirming active participation in ROTC written by your CO, NCO, or other faculty/staff leader of your cadre from their military or university email address. This confirmation letter should include your CO or NCO's phone number for verification purposes. We'd also appreciate a brief statement about the applicant's leadership abilities and participation in ROTC. This statement from your CO, NCO, or other staff/faculty leader of your cadre should be emailed to: Please be sure the applicants name is clearly displayed in the email.